Summary: Text Adaptive Generative Adversarial Networks
10 Dec 2018 | Just say itPhotos and images are ubiquitous now. Everyone can click and post photos, but modifying them still takes an expert. What if you could just write down the changes you want and voila! There they are. This is the idea explored in the paper, Text-Adaptive Generative Adversarial Networks: Manipulating Images with Natural Language
Table of Contents
Pre-paper era
Common Techniques
Style transfer techniques can modify a photo to look similar in style to a given photo [F. Luan, 2017]
Image modification within specific constraints (edit classes) is possible [J.-Y. Zhu, 2016]
Automatic construction of similar images (different age, gender, eyes, etc), given an input image is easily possible through adversarial training in pixel space [X. Yan, 2016] or in the latent space [G. Lample, 2017]
Image generation based on conditional variables has been successfully attempted by many: Attribute2Image (using cVAE), InfoGAN (latent variables), cGAN (for MNIST)
There has been some experimentation in the text-to-image synthesis too:
Using a DCGAN to generate natural image from sentence vector [S. Reed, 2016]
StackGAN, for high-res images by stacking up GANs
AttnGAN, which added attention mechanism to StackGAN
Although techniques to alter images through natural language exist, they also end up modifying things that weren’t specified in the text (like backgrounds)
Due to coarse training feedback, GANs tend to generate a new image from the old image and the sentence vector, instead of only modifying the parts specified in the sentence.
The paper
Concept in brief
Proposes a Text-Adaptive Generative Adversarial Network (TAGAN)
Given an image (x), its description (t), and description of what it should be (\(\hat{t}\)), it learns to generate a modified image \(\hat{y}\) such that: \(\hat{y} = G(x, \hat{t})\)
The Generator
An encoder-decoder network:
Encodes the image into a feature representation
Transforms it into a manipulated representation according to the text
This manipulated representation is then converted back to an image
To enforce the generator to only modify the relevant contents, reconstruction loss is used
The Discriminator
Provides feedback for disentangling visual attributes
Uses word-level local discriminators
For each word (wi) in the sentence,
- Determine whether an attribute related to wi exists using a 1D sigmoid local discriminator fwi by applying weights and bias on a 1D image vector computed by applying global average pooling to the feature map of the image encoder \(f_{w_i}(v) = σ(W(w_i) · v + b(w_i))\)
Softmax is added as a word-level attention to filter out less important words: \(α_i = {exp(u^T w_i) \over \sum_{i}exp(u^T w_i)}\)
A multiplicative aggregation of scores is done, using multi-scale features: \(D(x, t) = \prod_{i=1}^T[β_{ij}f_{w_{i,j}}(v_j)]^{α_i}\)
Experiments and Results
A human evaluation was done on CUB dataset and Oxford-102 dataset
Two criteria were used for evaluation (averaged over 50 trials):
Parts of the image relevant to the text were modified and irrelevant parts were preserved
Naturalness of the modified image
Additionally, L2 reconstruction error by forwarding images with positive texts was also calculated
Quantitatively and qualitatively, TAGAN performed better over other baseline models such as AttnGAN and SISGAN
TAGAN was preferred for its accuracy and naturalness, and obtained a \(p-value < 10^{-30}\)
- The images produced by TAGAN successfully retained any details that were not mentioned in the text unlike other models:
- In image-text matching tasks, it outperforms the auxiliary matching network in AttnGAN, and is competitive with the state-of-the-art matching methods[S. Li, T. Xiao].
Can be trained by the crossentropy loss without the ranking loss due to multiplicative aggregation
Does not need any hand-tuned hyperparameters
The text-adaptive discriminator is trained as the core GAN framework
TAGAN considers the importance of each word at every level of the image vector
Individual attributes are identified in the sentence and then mapped to the relevant attribute in the image
Thus, unmentioned changes are perfectly retained from the original image